WLGC Summer League 2017
the list for this competition closes on 28th March and support for this competition is relatively poor so far, please enter, support the...
Wilf Shirley Memorial Bowmaker - Sunday 26th March
There is still time to enter a team into this competition and there are STILL some who have not paid their entry fee Remember the chant...
March Stableford - Saturday Scores
Weekend stableford scores for Saturday 18th March - PSI terminal will ONLY display the scores for Sunday on Sunday
ScoreCards - After Hours
as the evenings draw out and get lighter giving us more daylight time to play golf, it is more likely that you might return to the...
Weekend Stableford and P.S.I. update
The current software in the ClubV1 systems (P.S.I.) terminal in the resort sports bar is not able to display the leader board scores for...