ScoreCards - After Hours
as the evenings draw out and get lighter giving us more daylight time to play golf, it is more likely that you might return to the clubhouse after the sports bar is closed thus losing access to the scorecard boxes for competitions and supplementary handicap submission.
To enable members to submit scorecards after hours when the sports bar is closed there is a box sited by the entrance to the changing rooms (adjacent to the chipping green). Please understand that when you do leave your scorecard in this box someone else has to find these cards and more often than not enter the scores into the system.
Members are requested to ensure that scorecards are returned promptly when playing in a competition and ensure that their scores are entered into the PSI terminal in the sports bar when required.
The committee would only normally expect to find cards left in this box at the weekends when it is most likely that members entering in the weekend stableford competition might return to the clubhouse after it is locked up.