Weekend Stableford and P.S.I. update
The current software in the ClubV1 systems (P.S.I.) terminal in the resort sports bar is not able to display the leader board scores for both days of play of the Saturday & the Sunday on the Sunday of the weekend stableford competitions for various technical and competition settings reasons. (we have been informed that it is an item of current development)
The committee can print out the aggregated scores on completion of the whole competition and this will be published on the WLGC members web site, and Howdidido as per usual but up to that point, competition closure, the display in the sports bar will only show the status of the scores for the play of that day.
The committee will, where possible, print out the leader board from the Saturday play and put it up on the board by the sports bar PSI terminal and on the WLGC members web site as a reference for the Sunday players.
Note: for those who play on the Sunday of the weekend stableford competition what is seen on the PSI terminal on the Sunday will be ONLY the Sunday scores