Winter Competitions - Update
The club committee have taken advice about the legality of their decision to declare the Winter competitions as non-qualifiers to...
November Stableford - Results
The results for the November stableford competition held over the weekend of 21st & 22nd of November are now available on the WLGC...
WLGC - Head Pro - Deana Rushworth
Watch the new video of our very own Head Pro at Witney Lakes
Captain's Drive In - a message from the mens Captain
On Sunday 15th the Captains drive in was held, the format was team stableford with 4 members per team. Points were scored as per normal...
Witney Lakes Central Sevens Team
The provisional league structure for the 2016 season is available to view on the members web pages. This yet to be finally ratified at...
Witney Lakes Scratch Team
The provisional fixtures are now up for the scratch league season 2016 on the members web pages
Captain's charity
Congratulations to Dave Holliday and Louise Blakesley, the outgoing Captains for the mens and ladies sections for their efforts in...
Captain's Drive-In
The sign-up sheet for the Captain's drive-in is now up in reception on the competitions notice board Sunday November 15th; shotgun start...
AGM 2015 - News
The annual general meeting of the Witney Lakes Golf Club Members was held on Monday 2nd November at 7pm with the following members...
November Medal 2015 - Results
The results of the November medal competition are now available on the WLGC members web pages