Captain 2016/17
Hi All,
I would like to say how honoured I am to be accepted as the Captain for Witney Lakes for the coming year. I would like to say thank you to Andy who has carried out a sterling job over the past year.
The course is in great condition and the greens are playing true; your continued support to stamp out pitch marks on your allotted green can only enhance the condition.
Our nominated charity is "Lights -Up" a local support group helping sufferers, families and friends who are coping with dementia. The 8th lake is our charity hole so if your ball takes a dip then please donate generously into the bottle on the bar. Myself and Fiona Camm (Ladies Captain) are working together for this charity.
I am always around the club on the course, range or in the bar so please say hello.
We have many boarded competitions throughout the year with Monthly Medals and Stableford competitions, so please get involved and enjoy playing the different formats these competitions offer. The sign up board for competitions is in the reception area towards the range.
Wally Jackson captains our Central Sevens side who have managed back to back promotions as champions, the team are now in Division one so if you fancy being considered for the team put your name down on the sign up sheet or contact Wally directly.
If you fancy a game on a Saturday or are new to the club please feel free to join the club Roll - Up, Just hover around the putting green for 11.30 (Winter), 1.30 (Summer) and the tee times are reserved.
I will take this opportunity to wish everyone an enjoyable golfing year and I look forward to seeing you all at some point during the year on the course and at our social events.
Bryn Skrine